Buddleja dysophylla

Buddleja dysophylla
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Genus: Buddleja
Species: B. dysophylla
Binomial name
Buddleja dysophylla
(Benth.) Radlkofer
  • Chilanthus dysophyllus (Benth.) A. D. C.
  • Chilanthus dysophyllus var. rufescens Sond.
  • Nuxia dysophylla Benth.

Buddleja dysophylla is a species endemic to southern Africa, from Zaire and Tanzania south to Malawi, and from the Transvaal to eastern Cape Province, where it grows along forest edges or in scrub at altitudes of 0 - 2,600 m. [1]. The species was named and described in 1883 by Radlkofer.[2]


B. dysophylla is a straggling or scandent shrub, only erect if isolated, 1 - 10 m in height, with divaricate branching. The densely tomentose branchlets are terete to quadrangular, bearing opposite, petiolate leaves, triangular to ovate, 1 - 10 cm long by 0.7 -7.5 cm wide, acuminate to rounded at the apex, decurrent into the petiole; the margins irregularly serrate - dentate to crenate - dentate. The lax terminal inflorescences are paniculate, 4 - 20 cm long by 4 - 20 cm wide. The corollas 2.5 - 5 mm long, the colour white, cream, or mauve. [1]


B. dysophylla is only known to be in cultivation in Australia, at Longueville, and at the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens, where it flowers in August.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1979). The Loganiceae of Africa XVIII - Buddleja LII, Revison of the African & Asiatic species. Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, Nederland. 79 - 6 (1979).
  2. ^ Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen 8: 410. 1883.